Michael Serrano is an award-winning NYS Licensed Massage Therapist with seventeen years of experience. Michael provides a blend of therapeutic massage techniques, reiki, and red light therapy to relax and heal the body.

Meet Michael Serrano, LMT

  • 90-Minute Customized Therapeutic Massage | $140

    60-Minute Prenatal Massage | $100

  • 90-Minute Customized Therapeutic Massage with 20-Minute Red Light Therapy Session | $140

    90-Minute Customized Therapeutic Massage with 40-Minute Red Light Therapy Session | $160

  • 20-Minute Red Light Therapy Session | $25

    40-Minute Red Light Therapy Session | $45

  • Hot Stone | $20


Understanding red light therapy

Light therapy, an ancient method used for centuries, harnesses the healing power of different colored lights. These lights, especially red, blue, and infrared ones between 480-1060 nanometers, affect how our cells work. During light therapy sessions, cells soak up red and infrared light, which helps them make more energy and regenerate, kind of like how plants use sunlight to grow. This boosts cell performance, making us feel better overall.

Red light therapy, which uses light between 620-700 nanometers, goes deep into the skin, making cells produce more collagen and regenerate faster. Just like how plants use sunlight to make food, our cells use red light energy to repair and grow. By giving cells this extra energy, red light therapy helps our bodies work better and keeps us healthy.

Benefits of red light therapy

  • Eases joint pain and inflammation

    Near-infared (NIR) light reduces overall inflammation in the body by decreasing the presence of inflammatory markers, which can help ease the symptoms associated with joint pain, sore muscles, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries.

  • Promotes skin healing

    LED light therapy can dramatically transform the skin by targeting mitochondrial chromophores within the skin cells, generating production of collagen protein. Stem cells may also be activated, increasing tissue repair, resulting in accelerated healing, improved appearance of scars, improved skin texture, and reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Supports circulation

    Red light therapy improves blood circulation by widening blood vessels and increasing the flow of oxygen-rich blood to tissues and organs. Additionally, it can protect red blood cells against oxidative stress and limit platelet loss during surgical procedures.

  • Relieves chronic pain

    Near-infared light reduces pain by blocking pain signals in the nerves, reducing inflammation in the affected area, easing joint stiffness, easing muscle spasms, and enhancing blood flow. It can be particularly effective for chronic pain conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia.

  • Reduces recovery time

    For high-performance athletes, and those who train like them, LED light therapy can help accelerate muscle repair following fatigue and injury. It helps to increase blood flow to muscles, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to help repair damage caused by exercise or injury, which speeds up the recovery process and reduces muscle soreness.

  • Stimulates hair growth

    When the scalp is exposed to red light, it increases circulation and triggers the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which energizes the hair follicles, promoting the growth of thicker, healthier hair and prolonging the growth phase of the hair cycle. Additionally, red light therapy may reduce inflammation in the scalp, creating a more conducive environment for hair growth.